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“(1) the online application does not seek to influence an applicant’s political preference or party registration and “(e) Provision of Services in Nonpartisan Manner.-The services made available under subsection (a) shall be provided in a manner that ensures that, consistent with section 7(a)(5). “(3) METHOD OF NOTIFICATION.-The appropriate State or local election official shall send the notices required under this subsection by regular mail, and, in the case of an individual who has provided the official with an electronic mail address, by both electronic mail and regular mail.

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“(2) NOTICE OF DISPOSITION.-Not later than 7 days after the appropriate State or local election official has approved or rejected an application submitted by an individual under this section, the official shall send the individual a notice of the disposition of the application. “(1) CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT.-Upon the online submission of a completed voter registration application by an individual under this section, the appropriate State or local election official shall send the individual a notice confirming the State’s receipt of the application and providing instructions on how the individual may check the status of the application. “(3) NOTICE.-The State shall ensure that individuals applying to register to vote online are notified of the requirements of paragraph (1) and of the treatment of individuals unable to meet such requirements, as described in paragraph (2). “(C) if the individual carries out the steps described in subparagraph (A) and subparagraph (B), ensure that the individual is registered to vote in the State. “(B) permit the individual to provide a signature at the time the individual requests a ballot in an election (whether the individual requests the ballot at a polling place or requests the ballot by mail) and “(A) permit the individual to complete all other elements of the online voter registration application “(2) TREATMENT OF INDIVIDUALS UNABLE TO MEET REQUIREMENT.-If an individual is unable to meet the requirements of paragraph (1), the State shall. “(C) If subparagraph (A) and subparagraph (B) do not apply, the individual executes a computerized mark in the signature field on an online voter registration application, in accordance with reasonable security measures established by the State, but only if the State accepts such mark from the individual. “(B) If subparagraph (A) does not apply, the individual submits with the application an electronic copy of the individual’s handwritten signature through electronic means. “(A) In the case of an individual who has a signature on file with a State agency, including the State motor vehicle authority, that is required to provide voter registration services under this Act or any other law, the individual consents to the transfer of that electronic signature. “(1) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this section, an individual meets the requirements of this subsection as follows: “(2) the individual meets the requirements of subsection (c) to provide a signature in electronic form (but only in the case of applications submitted during or after the second year in which this section is in effect in the State). “(1) the individual meets the same voter registration requirements applicable to individuals who register to vote by mail in accordance with section 6(a)(1) using the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9(a)(2) and

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“(b) Acceptance of completed applications.-A State shall accept an online voter registration application provided by an individual under this section, and ensure that the individual is registered to vote in the State, if. “(D) Online receipt of completed voter registration applications. “(C) Online completion and submission by applicants of the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9(a)(2), including assistance with providing a signature as required under subsection (c). “(B) Online assistance to applicants in applying to register to vote. “(A) Online application for voter registration. “(1) AVAILABILITY OF ONLINE REGISTRATION AND CORRECTION OF EXISTING REGISTRATION INFORMATION.-Each State, acting through the chief State election official, shall ensure that the following services are available to the public at any time on the official public websites of the appropriate State and local election officials in the State, in the same manner and subject to the same terms and conditions as the services provided by voter registration agencies under section 7(a): “(a) Requiring Availability of Internet for Online Registration.

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